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Who We Be


A bad bxtches favorite spot for functional art pieces. Here at Feminine Fly we are devoted to making every piece of art more durable, functional, captivating than the last. 

I started ceramics within my last fall semester of University in 2019. I was looking for an outlet, something that brought me joy, and something that didn't feel obligatory like school or work. When first starting ceramics I tried to keep most of, if not all of my artwork to myself, scared of not being good enough or being judged for my ideas, I honed my craft in silence. Finally comfortable in my vision and my skill, I began to make pieces as presents for my closest friends and family. From then on, the decision to take ceramics has changed my life and inspired me to finally share my art with the world. Then, inspired by a therapeutic outlet, COVID-19, and a few Instagram DM's, a movement began. Feminine Fly is all about creating pieces that mirror feminine energy and traditionally feminine qualities, while making each piece fly in its own way in terms of design and customization! My goal is to create art that you live with, not just look at, all pieces are made to last long so you'll be the talk of your friends for a life time. 

At Feminine Fly, we want to make art that feels approachable and easy, like a good friendship. Whether you're here to purchase, browse, or hate click, you're a Fly Friend to us. 

We hope you grow as fond of these pieces, as we have of making them.

Your Friends,
Feminine Fly